Trauma-Informed somatic healing


Facilitated by a qualified somatic trauma psychotherapist and initiated medicine woman

  • Receive a trauma-informed framework for understanding your clients and yourself that can be integrated easily with any modality

  • Embody the agent of change you already are

  • Build and strengthen your healer field

nervous system training - brown medicine blanket flower of life meditation labyrinth

My cosmic shaman tools for ceremony - deer medicine blanket, flower of life vessel & meditation labyrinth

You can’t fulfil your soul destiny as a healer until you integrate your wound.

Integrating your wound activates the highest expression of the Healer Archetype - your inner Alchemist - so you transcend your wound and transform it into your genius.

When you are caught in a trauma pattern, your automatic response is to create strategies to cope, delaying your integration and your greater destiny.

For those who incarnated to walk a healing path, the integration process is sparked by a healing crisis similar to a shamanic initiation leading to breakdown or break-through.

During this initiation crisis, your nervous system needs support to move through high energy states and intense experiences - otherwise you get stuck in freeze and contract, shutting out transformational life force energy.

This power is your legacy and inheritance.

Connect the threads of your somatic experience and build capacity to receive your embodied power.

training the nervous system -  female healer white owl on hand

You were born to shine

your light



that hold you and

you will fly.

INTEGRATE the patterns

that bind you and


Bird of prey flying


training nervous system testimonial Rebecca

Rebecca - Holistic practitioner with addiction patterns

“I no longer feel unworthy or unlovable. I’ve stopped numbing out with alcohol and carbs. Entrepreneurship is FUN again!”


nervous system training testimonial Verity

Verity - Relationship coach with ADHD and anxiety

“My anxiety has completely dissolved. I feel spectacular. I’m thriving!”


training the nervous system testimonial Stephanie

Stephanie - Energy healer with chronic fatigue

“I went from burnout and self-sabotage to founding a multi-million dollar business. Understanding the impact of my nervous system on my business was a total game-changer.” 


  • Fully embody the agent of change you already are

  • Connect to your infinite, awakened and creative self

  • Receive a trauma-informed framework for understanding your clients and yourself that can be integrated with any modality.   

image of persons nervous system

Learn how to map fight, flight, freeze and safety in your nervous system so you have access to a larger field of information, revealing where traumas are held or energy blocked 

image of an eye

Connect more deeply with your divinely guided mission and become unwavering in that truth 

hand in triangle

Heal from personal and collective traumas and see all of life as a sacred gift you have been called to share 

person stretching hands back

Release shame and self-judgement about asking for your needs to be met. Transmute fear and become grounded in the present moment 


Learn how to hear and interpret different messages that come from your body, your brain and your mind 

three dots in circle ith arrows pointing in

Become magnetic to your soul clients through aligning your whole mind-body-soul-spiritual system with your nervous system 

book with drawing

Lay to rest patterns, relationships and inner stories which no longer serve your highest good 

heart in hands

Cultivate radical self-compassion through attuning to your five senses 



  • Your nervous system was regulated, calm, and connected in any client or personal situation.

  • Survival states no longer dictated your responses, leading to your clients receiving your guidance and healing even more effortlessly.

  • You’ve banished self doubt and trust your internal compass to guide you all the time.


The solution is rewiring your nervous system.

The more you learn how to self regulate, the more you expand your healing field of influence…working in more and more subtle ways to influence your clients’ healing.

Both you and your clients will be amazed at how impactful this can be.

Expansion Training Lotus Flower

“A truly remarkable program”

Expansion Training Level II is a hybrid program with
8 LIVE group sessions and 1:1 private coaching.

LEVEL II LAST LIVE ROUND begins Feb 5th (US) and Feb 6th (Australia/Pacific), 2024.

You can start at Level II (no prerequisites).




Will be released as a self-paced course in 2024.

Module 1 - Introduction to your Nervous System

Module II - Containing & Holding

Module III - Embodiment & Neuroception

Module IV - Energy Clearing & Boundaries

Module V - Shamanic Practices for Purposeful Service

Module VI - Collective Shadow of the Helper & how it Manifests in Healers & Soul-focused Practitioners

Module VII - Journeying & Meditating with Sacred Geometry for Peace and Flow



Will be released as a self-paced course in 2024.

Module I - Your Personal Shadow Aspects & your Higher Self (2 x live sessions)

Module II - Mapping your Personal Nervous System Profile, part 1 (1 x live session)

Module III - Mapping your Personal Nervous System Profile, part 2 (1 x live session)

Module IV - Mapping your Personal Nervous System Profile (part 3) & Transforming your default survival state into a superpower (2 x live sessions)

Module V - Your Personal Medicine & Embodying your Gifts (2 x live sessions)



Everything you need to connect to your body and master the nervous system tools to expand into your highest potential and alchemize your wound into your genius.

  • LIVE online group coaching sessions

  • self-paced video modules

  • private 1:1 coaching


The SEASONS teach us how to journey through expansion and contraction so we can GUIDE OUR CLIENTS.

Descend into the underworld of your own unconscious and reap your gifts for the healing of people and the planet.

Learn new practices to regulate and co-regulate, anchoring your potential as an infinite, awakening and creative Being.

Harness energy to nourish and replenish yourself, strengthen your boundaries and access your personal power without shame or guilt.

Cultivate a powerful healing presence through embodying altered states of consciousness so you can hold more space for others.



Spaciousness in your nervous system allows you to be creative and flow like you’re designed to be…

  • transform your relationships

  • embody your mission

  • feel more satisfaction and joy

Expansion Training teaches your nervous system not to freak out when it gets more spacious inside so you can feel empowered through nervous system awareness and fulfil your soul destiny as a healer with each upgrade.



Expansion Training Testimonial Anna

Anna - Musician, writer & photographer who manifested audience expansion and organic lead generation

“I expanded the capacity of my nervous system which increased my audience and fan base and anchored my creativity more deeply into my body so I now create from an embodied, multi-sensory perspective.”


nervous system training testimonial

Renee - Visionary, change-maker & CEO with money blocks

“Even though I had unlimited energy, I was in a functional freeze. I couldn’t feel how much I loved my husband and children. Raquel helped me process my stuck trauma and gently re-aligned me with my business when my income stopped flowing.”


nervous system training Stephanie

Stephanie - Energy healer with chronic fatigue

“I went from burnout and self-sabotage to founding a multi-million dollar business. Understanding the impact of my nervous system on my business was a total game-changer.” 


When you join Expansion Training, your nervous system is rewired for expansion to create more SPACE inside your body

Yes, I want to embody my soul purpose in 2023



LEVEL 1 - Starts May 9, 2023

expansion training module 7

LEVEL 2 - Starts August 15, 2023




You’re ready for Expansion Training if:

  • You are an energy healer, mind-body practitioner, business or wellness coach, therapist or counsellor, or someone who feels called to be of service to others.

  • You know you were born for a reason, but chasing goals leaves you empty and longing for something deeper.

  • You have experienced the trauma of being neuro-sensitive in a world that isn’t designed for you. You have a vague sense of disconnection from the world and wonder when you will find your place of belonging.

  • You are willing to let go your assumptions and habitual thinking - you’re not looking for a quick fix/miracle. You want to be introduced to a new framework that will help others and guide you to feeling whole again.

  • You want to see your blind spots and bring more consciousness to your transformation process and how you support your clients.

  • You are committed to your own evolution and want to open your awareness to an entirely new approach to wellbeing and healing, beyond the mind and into non-linear realms.

  • You believe contributing to the group is important and are willing to share your own experiences and co-create a healing community.

You’re not ready for this program if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix or linear method.

  • You don't have time to reflect on your process between sessions.

  • You don’t want to go deep or examine your blind spots.

  • You are not open to a larger experience of reality and have a closed vision of what is possible in the healing field.

  • You expect to fully arrive by the end of the program.

  • You don't want to contribute to the online community or support your peers' learning. You would prefer to stay separate.

  • You feel uncomfortable not knowing all the answers.

I would like to personally welcome you to our community of trauma-informed somatic seekers, healers, helpers, coaches, and experiencers.

Are you joining us?




 Expansion Training for Coaches and Healers - FAQs

+ Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?

Each session of Expansion Training will be broadcast live via video conference on Zoom. Recordings of each call are uploaded to You Tube as an unlisted video. You have access to these recordings for 6 months.

+ Do I need any special hardware or software?

All you need is a relatively recent computer, an up-to-date browser, and a broadband internet connection.

+ I have a busy schedule. Is live participation required?

You will have the best experience of the training if you can participate live in the group sessions. However, if you can’t always join live you will have access to the recordings of each session.

+ How can I get support?

My team and I are here to support you with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course, please email:

For support and questions once you have enrolled, email: Sometimes our emails end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder, so please check there first!

+ What is the refund policy?

If the training is cancelled by us, you receive a full refund. Refunds are not provided in other circumstances, so please choose carefully. Your transformation is energetic as well as material, and energy can't be taken back. As soon as you make your payment, you enter the course container. You are deemed to have paid for this holding and support when you make your first payment.

Your payment indicates your commitment and there are no refunds. I take my commitments seriously, and I commit to you when you make your first payment. So that we can build a relationship of safety and trust for your development and growth, I ask you to do the same. For full Terms & Conditions click here.