From the outside, my life looked perfect...

“Truthfully, I was in survival mode. I was eating and drinking too much, exhausted, overwhelmed, and quietly panicking about my business not making enough money. Behind the scenes, I was in debt and dancing with depression and anxiety. I was picking my soul-mate relationship apart due to the insecurities that were plaguing me no matter what kind of healing I did.

Through the nervous system mapping process Raquel took us through, I realised that my people-pleasing was making me exhausted.

I cleaned up my friends list, took a guilt-free break from the people who were draining me, and re-engaged with my business. I changed my offers so they were joyful for me. I effortlessly cut down my drinking and stopped sabotaging myself.”


When Rebecca started working with me, her online business was running her - she didn’t feel aligned to her clients and her offers, and she wanted to throw in the towel.

She was feeling frustrated and frozen, but pretended she was fine by pushing her feelings down and was using the crutches of alcohol, food, and shopping to numb out self-doubt and feelings of unlovability, and unworthiness.

Whenever Rebecca thought about making a positive change in her life, her body gave a clear signal that it felt unsafe.

She couldn’t understand why her body kept stopping her from moving forward, so her mind assumed it was because there was something wrong with her.

Through our work together, Rebecca realized she couldn’t take action in her business because her body didn’t feel safe because she had disconnected from her needs and wants to please others, and was suppressing her real self.